设计与分析 - 分数背包

背包问题指出 - 给定一组物品、持有重量和利润值,必须确定要添加到背包中的物品的子集,使得物品的总重量不得超过背包的限制,并且其总利润值最大。


为了更容易地解释这个问题,考虑一个有 12 个问题的测试,每个问题 10 分,其中只有 10 个问题应该尝试以获得最高分 100 分。现在,考生必须计算出利润最高的问题 - 他认为是最有利的问题。有信心——取得最高分。然而,他无法尝试全部 12 个问题,因为这些尝试的答案不会获得任何额外分数。这是背包问题最基本的现实应用。




  • 考虑所有物品及其分别提到的重量和利润。

  • 计算所有项目的 P i /W i并根据其 P i /W i值按降序对项目进行排序。

  • 在不超过限制的情况下,将物品添加到背包中。

  • 如果背包还能储存一些重量,但其他物品的重量超过限制,则可以添加下次的小数部分。

  • 因此,将其命名为分数背包问题。


  • 对于给定的一组物品和 10 公斤的背包容量,找到要添加到背包中的物品的子集,使得利润最大。

项目 1 2 3 4 5
重量(公斤) 3 3 2 5 1
利润 10 15 10 12 8



给定,n = 5

Wi = {3, 3, 2, 5, 1}
Pi = {10, 15, 10, 12, 8}

计算所有项目的P i /W i

项目 1 2 3 4 5
重量(公斤) 3 3 2 5 1
利润 10 15 10 20 8
皮/_ 3.3 5 5 4 8


根据 P i /W i将所有项目按降序排列

项目 5 2 3 4 1
重量(公斤) 1 3 2 5 3
利润 8 15 10 20 10
皮/_ 8 5 5 4 3.3



Knapsack = {5, 2, 3}

然而,背包仍然可以容纳 4 公斤的重量,但下一个重量为 5 公斤的物品将超出容量。因此,背包中只会添加5公斤中的4公斤重量。

项目 5 2 3 4 1
重量(公斤) 1 3 2 5 3
利润 8 15 10 20 10
背包 1 1 1 4/5 0

因此,背包里的重量 = [(1 * 1) + (1 * 3) + (1 * 2) + (4/5 * 5)] = 10,最大利润为 [(1 * 8) + ( 1 * 15) + (1 * 10) + (4/5 * 20)] = 37。


以下是使用贪心法的分数背包算法的最终实现 -

#include <stdio.h>
int n = 5;
int p[10] = {3, 3, 2, 5, 1};
int w[10] = {10, 15, 10, 12, 8};
int W = 10;
int main(){
   int cur_w;
   float tot_v;
   int i, maxi;
   int used[10];
   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      used[i] = 0;
   cur_w = W;
   while (cur_w > 0) {
      maxi = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         if ((used[i] == 0) &&
               ((maxi == -1) || ((float)w[i]/p[i] > (float)w[maxi]/p[maxi])))
            maxi = i;
      used[maxi] = 1;
      cur_w -= p[maxi];
      tot_v += w[maxi];
      if (cur_w >= 0)
         printf("Added object %d (%d, %d) completely in the bag. Space left: %d.\n", maxi + 1, w[maxi], p[maxi], cur_w);
      else {
         printf("Added %d%% (%d, %d) of object %d in the bag.\n", (int)((1 + (float)cur_w/p[maxi]) * 100), w[maxi], p[maxi], maxi + 1);
         tot_v -= w[maxi];
         tot_v += (1 + (float)cur_w/p[maxi]) * w[maxi];
   printf("Filled the bag with objects worth %.2f.\n", tot_v);
   return 0;


Added object 5 (8, 1) completely in the bag. Space left: 9.
Added object 2 (15, 3) completely in the bag. Space left: 6.
Added object 3 (10, 2) completely in the bag. Space left: 4.
Added object 1 (10, 3) completely in the bag. Space left: 1.
Added 19% (12, 5) of object 4 in the bag.
Filled the bag with objects worth 45.40.
#include <iostream>
int n = 5;
int p[10] = {3, 3, 2, 5, 1};
int w[10] = {10, 15, 10, 12, 8};
int W = 10;
int main(){
   int cur_w;
   float tot_v;
   int i, maxi;
   int used[10];
   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
      used[i] = 0;
   cur_w = W;
   while (cur_w > 0) {
      maxi = -1;
      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         if ((used[i] == 0) &&
               ((maxi == -1) || ((float)w[i]/p[i] > (float)w[maxi]/p[maxi])))
            maxi = i;
      used[maxi] = 1;
      cur_w -= p[maxi];
      tot_v += w[maxi];
      if (cur_w >= 0)
         printf("Added object %d (%d, %d) completely in the bag. Space left: %d.\n", maxi + 1, w[maxi], p[maxi], cur_w);
      else {
         printf("Added %d%% (%d, %d) of object %d in the bag.\n", (int)((1 + (float)cur_w/p[maxi]) * 100), w[maxi], p[maxi], maxi + 1);
         tot_v -= w[maxi];
         tot_v += (1 + (float)cur_w/p[maxi]) * w[maxi];
   printf("Filled the bag with objects worth %.2f.\n", tot_v);
   return 0;


Added object 5 (8, 1) completely in the bag. Space left: 9.
Added object 2 (15, 3) completely in the bag. Space left: 6.
Added object 3 (10, 2) completely in the bag. Space left: 4.
Added object 1 (10, 3) completely in the bag. Space left: 1.
Added 19% (12, 5) of object 4 in the bag.
Filled the bag with objects worth 45.40.
public class Main {
   static int n = 5;
   static int p[] = {3, 3, 2, 5, 1};
   static int w[] = {10, 15, 10, 12, 8};
   static int W = 10;
   public static void main(String args[]) {
      int cur_w;
      float tot_v = 0;
      int i, maxi;
      int used[] = new int[10];
      for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
         used[i] = 0;
      cur_w = W;
      while (cur_w > 0) {
         maxi = -1;
         for (i = 0; i < n; ++i)
            if ((used[i] == 0) &&
                  ((maxi == -1) || ((float)w[i]/p[i] > (float)w[maxi]/p[maxi])))
               maxi = i;
         used[maxi] = 1;
         cur_w -= p[maxi];
         tot_v += w[maxi];
         if (cur_w >= 0)
            System.out.println("Added object " + maxi + 1 + " (" + w[maxi] + "," + p[maxi] + ") completely in the bag. Space left: " + cur_w);
         else {
            System.out.println("Added " + ((int)((1 + (float)cur_w/p[maxi]) * 100)) + "% (" + w[maxi] + "," + p[maxi] + ") of object " + (maxi + 1) + " in the bag.");
            tot_v -= w[maxi];
            tot_v += (1 + (float)cur_w/p[maxi]) * w[maxi];
      System.out.println("Filled the bag with objects worth " + tot_v);


Added object 41 (8,1) completely in the bag. Space left: 9
Added object 11 (15,3) completely in the bag. Space left: 6
Added object 21 (10,2) completely in the bag. Space left: 4
Added object 01 (10,3) completely in the bag. Space left: 1
Added 19% (12,5) of object 4 in the bag.
Filled the bag with objects worth 45.4
n = 5
p = [3, 3, 2, 5, 1]
w = [10, 15, 10, 12, 8]
W = 10
cur_w = W
tot_v = 0
used = [0] * 10
for i in range(n):
    used[i] = 0
while cur_w > 0:
    maxi = -1
    for i in range(n):
        if (used[i] == 0) and ((maxi == -1) or ((w[i] / p[i]) > (w[maxi] / p[maxi]))):
            maxi = i
    used[maxi] = 1
    cur_w -= p[maxi]
    tot_v += w[maxi]
    if cur_w >= 0:
        print(f"Added object {maxi + 1} ({w[maxi]}, {p[maxi]}) completely in the bag. Space left: {cur_w}.")
        percent_added = int((1 + (cur_w / p[maxi])) * 100)
        print(f"Added {percent_added}% ({w[maxi]}, {p[maxi]}) of object {maxi + 1} in the bag.")
        tot_v -= w[maxi]
        tot_v += (1 + (cur_w / p[maxi])) * w[maxi]
print(f"Filled the bag with objects worth {tot_v:.2f}.")


Added object 5 (8, 1) completely in the bag. Space left: 9.
Added object 2 (15, 3) completely in the bag. Space left: 6.
Added object 3 (10, 2) completely in the bag. Space left: 4.
Added object 1 (10, 3) completely in the bag. Space left: 1.
Added 19% (12, 5) of object 4 in the bag.
Filled the bag with objects worth 45.40.


背包问题的许多实际应用中很少有 -

  • 切割原材料而不损失太多材料

  • 通过投资和投资组合进行挑选

  • 资产证券化的资产选择

  • 为 Merkle-Hellman 算法生成密钥

  • 认知无线电网络

  • 功率分配

  • 移动节点的网络选择
